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Texas Holdem Starting Hands

The first thing a Holdem player should learn is which cards are worth playing, and which should be folded. Many beginning players stay in a hand with cards that have little or no future, and it ends up showing in there chip count.

Remember that no two cards alone can be unbeatable, and once the flop falls things that once looked good may no longer be worth pursuing. Still, to give yourself the best chance to succeed, play only the premium hands.

The best starting hands are:
  • Large Pairs - Aces, Kings, Queens, Jacks. Even pairs of tens and nines and eights are high quality starting hands. Play them.
  • Aces with suited High Cards - When you get an Ace with a K,Q,J, or even a ten, many good things can happen. You already have high card. If a flush comes, you'll have the best possible one because of your ace. High straights, and even a straight flush is possible with these cards. Play them.
  • Suited Faces Cards and Tens - While it's nicer to have an ace in the hole, suited face cards are playable hands. They hold a lot of potential including high pair with a strong kicker, straights, and flushes.
  • Aces with unsuited High Cards - Aces with an unsuited partner can still give you top pair with a high kicker, or a high straight. Because other players may also have an ace, the strength of the second card in your hand is important. If two players tie, that second card, or 'kicker' will decide the winner. This is why A-10 is a playable hand, and A-6 is not. (A-10 can also turn into a high straight). So while aces are highly sought after, do not feel the need to play every hand in which you are dealt an ace.
  • King with Face Card - A King with a Queen, or with a Jack is a playable hand. But, it is not as strong as you may think. Still, two face cards rank high enough that seeing the flop is often a good idea.

These are the strongest starting hands in a Texas Holdem game. Other hands are playable depending on the circumstances at the table, but beginners may want to stick to playing only these premium hands until they understand the game more fully. Playing these hands will not guarantee that you will be a winner. Poker doesn't work that way. Even pairs of Aces get beaten. But, if you want to win a pot, finding any of the cards listed on the chart in your hand is a good place to start.

this article compliments of the Poker Prophet.

Gambling is a risk activity. Whether you are betting on poker, sports, horses, the roll of the craps dice, the spin of a roulette wheel, the spin of a slot machine, against your backgammon opponent, or any other ways to risk your money, you must be aware that you can lose some or all of it. The owners and operators of this website advise you to gamble online with "play money" only, but if you choose to gamble online with real money we advise you to gamble only with money you can afford to lose. The owners and operators of this website may be compensated for referring you to a site listed, but the owners and operators of this site are not responsible for any of your disputes or losses whether you are an adult or minor. We will attempt to help you with your disputes, but we cannot guarantee results. Much of the information on this site is hand edited and may be out of date and incorrect and we provide no guarantees. You are responsible for verifying all bonus offers, codes, promotions, and terms and conditions. Reviews, recommendations, ratings, guiedance, help, tips, strategies, etc., are opinions of the respective authors and editors and the owners and operators of this site are not responsible for any bad advice. Although we believe the sites advertised, hyperlinked, or otherwise, are legitimate and operate in good faith, the owners and operators of this website are not responsible for the activities and bad faith of any site listed. Online gambling may be illegal in your area, so the operators of this website insist that you abide by your local gambling laws.

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