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Common Mistakes in Online Poker
By the PokerStrategyKing

If you play online poker, which I imagine you do if you’re reading this article, this one is vital for you.

If you listen carefully to what I’m about to tell you and take it seriously, you could quickly and consistently win more pots from online poker games. Online poker players make mistakes and to make money you must take advantage of other’s mistakes and at the same type, not make these same mistakes yourself. These mistakes are made by new and experienced players alike and there are 7 of them. Let’s take a closer look at them.

#1 - Distractions

Poker is a skill game, a skill game that requires concentration and attention to detail. If you allow yourself to become distracted, you are hindering your powerful observation abilities and relying too heavily on luck alone. I know many poker players who play multiple games online at the same time. It is, after all, one advantage online poker has. While experienced online poker players may be able to handle this, it is always better to focus on one game at a time. Many other things can serve as distractions. TV's, radios, and phones all divide your attention and take your mind off the game at hand. While distractions are likely the most costly mistakes that players make, they are easy to eliminate...

When you are playing poker, make sure that you turn off the TV, grab a Coke, and turn off your phone. This way you won't be running around your home when you should be concentrating on your game.

# 2: Talking Too Much

Some players think that since they are online, that talking no longer is a tell. However, except for using auto-play buttons, talking serves as the biggest tell in online poker. Think about it, you can’t see your opponents, so talking is an information tool. Don't bother taunting or talking to other players. This will give players a look into your personality and therefore your true playing style. Just disable the chat feature. Once I did this, my online game improved dramatically.

# 3: Using The Auto-Play Functions.

The auto-play buttons are made to speed up the game. Are the useful? Sure, at times I have no problem using them to fold from early position pre-flop with garbage hands. However, if you habitually use them, that you are using them at the cost of your chips. Since online poker players are separated by hundreds of miles, one of the only "tells" in an online poker game is the amount of time that a player takes before acting on his or her hand. There are a few basic concepts here:

Slow check = Weakness
Quick call = Strength
Quick check = Weakness
Quick bet/raise on turn or river = Strength

The reason that this formula is so widely accepted by poker players is that it, believe it or not, it holds surprisingly true. The first tell is simply an understanding of poker psychology, but the last three are based on the auto-play buttons. Look at it this way, if you have a weak hand and you click the automatic check button, you are telling everyone at the table that you have a weak hand. However, if you take a moment, people will be forced to question themselves with questions of slow-playing, check-raising and thinking of how you played in the past. In other words, it’s not to your advantage to use the buttons, so don’t.

# 4: Playing For Too Much Money.

Never play poker with more than you can afford to lose. Sounds simple, right? If you only have $50 in your account, don't sit down in a $5-10 limit room. You’ll basically be done in the first hand you seriously get involved in. When you sit down at a table, you need to be sure that you have enough money to play comfortably and that losing that money won’t break you down. If you don’t bring enough money to the table, the larger stacks will bully you into submission and take your money. Also, if you play at a table where you cannot afford to lose all the money, you will play too conservatively, your game will suffer because of it and you will quickly go broke.

# 5: Making Enemies.

Making enemies in poker is never a good idea. If you win a pot just drag the chips to your pile, but don't say a word. If you lose a pot to a lucky draw, take it on the chin and don't whine. If you make enemies at the table, they will come after you and try harder against you. It is never good to have players who want you out of a game, because they will be more likely to make a move against you. So, keep to yourself, and let the chips do the talking.

# 6: Showing cards.

Showing your cards is rarely a good idea. Some players claim that it puts other players on tilt and shakes them out of their game. However, instead of hurting the other players, showing your cards usually hurts you and forces you out of your game. Remember, that you always want people to respect your bluffs. So think about this:

You win a huge pot on a stone-cold bluff. You’re feeling cocky and turn over your 7-2 offsuit to shake up the other players. Guess what you just did? You just gave players a peek into your style. Now the other players know your style of bluffing and your betting method. Later on, you make another move for a pot by pushing most of your stack into the pot. Now the players think back and remember your past bluff but this time, they don’t believe you and you’ve bluffed away have your stack.

# 7: Relying Too Much On Odds

I know many online poker players who use "odds calculators" that give the probability of card combinations. Don’t get me wrong, these calculators are terrific tools to give you an idea about the strength of your hand, but you should never solely really on this for your decision-making You must take many factors into consideration when playing poker, not just the odds that you will win the hand.

If you keep these 7 examples in mind and avoid them, you will undoubtedly have more success at the table.

Until next time, may the chips fall your way.

Gambling is a risk activity. Whether you are betting on poker, sports, horses, the roll of the craps dice, the spin of a roulette wheel, the spin of a slot machine, against your backgammon opponent, or any other ways to risk your money, you must be aware that you can lose some or all of it. The owners and operators of this website advise you to gamble online with "play money" only, but if you choose to gamble online with real money we advise you to gamble only with money you can afford to lose. The owners and operators of this website may be compensated for referring you to a site listed, but the owners and operators of this site are not responsible for any of your disputes or losses whether you are an adult or minor. We will attempt to help you with your disputes, but we cannot guarantee results. Much of the information on this site is hand edited and may be out of date and incorrect and we provide no guarantees. You are responsible for verifying all bonus offers, codes, promotions, and terms and conditions. Reviews, recommendations, ratings, guiedance, help, tips, strategies, etc., are opinions of the respective authors and editors and the owners and operators of this site are not responsible for any bad advice. Although we believe the sites advertised, hyperlinked, or otherwise, are legitimate and operate in good faith, the owners and operators of this website are not responsible for the activities and bad faith of any site listed. Online gambling may be illegal in your area, so the operators of this website insist that you abide by your local gambling laws.

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