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Dice Control - Believable with this software???
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PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2005 8:00 pm    Post subject: Re: Dice Control - Believable with this software??? Reply with quote

Thank you Heavy for the kind words (on the shareware release).

I value and respect the programs you've noted above, and encourage
people to use them, but I don't see any edge calculators and dice set
optimizers in them. This is a unique feature in Smart Craps, and
fundamentally depends on the "first principles" statistical analysis
underpinning Pro Test (in Smart Craps).

To the best of my knowledge, and this has been confirmed by other
experts in the field, the edge calculator and dice set optimizer in
Smart Craps are very new, powerful, and unique tools (to date).

Dan Pronovost
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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 2:00 am    Post subject: Re: Dice Control - Believable with this software??? Reply with quote

I really do not mean any disrepect, but your conjecture above is not
scientifc, and not based on any fact.

Your assertion that dice control is a fact is not based on replicable evidence
that you offer.

First, the scientific method calls FIRST for a hypothesis, then an
experiment that can make a true statement from the results. The results
could be: no conclusion, hypothesis is substantiated, hypothesis is

This is simplistic and incomplete. The scientific method of thought is not some
fixed sequence of events that you memorized in junior high school.

Your notion that doing such a test fails empircal grounds, as per Hume
and similar logic, for a study is also incorrect. The physics of dice
control is plausible, in that controlled throwing is certainly within
the realm of reason to test! It's not like dice controllers (at least
one the ones I know!) are claiming their skill comes from the stars,
voodoo, or other nonsense.

No, dice controllers (and you) are claiming the existence of a phenomena that
can not be specifically described or quantified because there is no objective,
replicable evidence of that phenomenon.

I'm sure some do, but the courses I've taken
and the experimental oberservations I've made lead to plausible
suggestion, worthy of experimental testing, based on the very careful
throw, rotation, and delivery of the dice. It is acceptable to test
dice control on this basis.

Of course it is. Publish your test data. It is valuable if it is objective and
replicable and is the result of well designed testing.

So, equating dice control to astrology, for at least the limited
skilled shooters I've tested and seen data from, is not acceptable.

Dice and control and astrology are exactly equal based on the replicable,
objective evidence that some phenomena exists to be quantified and for which
hypotheses can be tested. Astrology has a much longer history, many more
adherents, and many thousand times the literature and record of theoretical

not trying to claim dice control works... I'm saying it's valid to test
it, and Smart Craps is the first tool that can do so with maximum
statistical efficiency.

I think that special metrics are not required to quantify any phenomena
represented by throws of the dice for which there is no replicable, objective
evidence using standard metrics. No prudent person would ever leave the
determination of "maximum statistical efficiency" of testing to a true believer.

This is not a scientific argument, but I will add that until a year ago
I was VERY skeptical of dice control. It did seem implausible to me
that dice influence was possible when hitting the back wall is mandated
on a real craps table. It wasn't until I saw it for myself, then tested
it, that I determined experimentally that "it's for real". I've also
found out that it is VERY rare... the vast majority of shooters
claiming to be influencing outcomes, proabbly are not (meaning they
could not pass Pro Test tests). It is VERY hard to do dice control.
More so that I thought initially. Smart Craps has turned out to be a
very humbling tool for many shooters.

This is not an argument at all. It is a statement of belief. You want to
quantify something as "very rare" which you do not describe with replicable,
objective evidence nor quantify based on replicable, objective evidence. Your
subjective judgment of its reality is worthless. Your subjective judgment of
its relative rarity is worthless. Your subjective judgment of the degree of its
effectiveness (when dice control is purported by you to be in evidence) is

ALL of this boundless speculation is due to the absence of replicable, objective
which would frame the discussion. That framing of the discussion is exactly why
it is absent. It is the boundlessness of the discussion that represents the
actual appeal of the notion.

All this voodoo science is skewed toward maximum hope for the marks.

Beyond that, once a person passes (meaning less
than 1% chance of random occurence, the subjective metric in Smart
Craps), Smart Craps allows for edge computation, optimal dice set
determination, and much much more.

The subjective metric ProTest Smart Craps Software is just some true believer
vending air numbers to innumerate suckers who can be convinced that they need
software to tell them when their experience of the volatility of their dice
throw results exceeds three standard deviations from the mean.

Onward thru the fog,
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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 2:30 am    Post subject: Re: Dice Control - Believable with this software??? Reply with quote


I really do not mean any disrepect, but your conjecture above is not
scientifc, and not based on any fact."


It is perfectly acceptable to be disrespectful to a kook-troll like Mason.
He demands "scientific" evidence, but wouldn't recognize it if his own STD
test came back positive for genital herpes of the mouth.

It is one of the major problems of this site, there are too many anti DI
trolls who hang out here.

By the way, I doubt if Mason has played any serious Craps in his life.

Although I understand the value of your software, I prefer to determine my
advantage the old fashioned way, $s Won/ $s Bet.

Besides, if Sharpshooter is right, it could take thousands upon thousands
of rolls to determine one's advantage with any accuracy. I don't mind
practicing, but I don't care to over do it while being saddled with the
distraction of data entry.
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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 1:00 pm    Post subject: Re: Dice Control - Believable with this software??? Reply with quote

Hello ACDOC:

Sharpshooter is correct that 5,000 to 20,00 rolls are required to
provide statistical evidence of dice control, *** using the SRR***. The
SRR is a very poor statistical metric, as it does not measure axial or
pitch control directly. Scoblete (and others) talk about this as the
'good' and 'bad' sevens on a hard way set, for example.

The Pro Test can show strong statistical evidence in as few as 100
rolls (yes, I've seen it done). This is very rare, and even then I
recommend more roll tests. 300-500 is more common. Pro Test can do this
because the test is based on the first principles of dice control:
axial and pitch control, not dice sums.

BTW... the Pro Test measure of 'passing' is if the outcome has less
than 1% chance of replication by a random shooter, per each of the Pro
Tests. This is subjective... people need to pick the % of evidence they
are comfortable with. But, by adding more rolls, the Pro Test 'score'
above goes down further and further, when a person is in fact
influencing the dice.
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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 1:30 pm    Post subject: Re: Dice Control - Believable with this software??? Reply with quote

Hmmm.... so much for a respectful exchange Mason! Well, I tried.

First, I'm not claiming dice control works, or not. That's not to say
that I HAVE NOT seen
acceptable evidence... that's a different discussion for me. My main
point is that Smart Craps and Pro Test are
the best tools to analyze this statistically with the greatest
accuracy. On this point, you are flatly
incorrect and show a terrible bias and scientific snobbery that is an
ebarrassment to all
those who stand behind scientific inquiry. These are NOT the standards
of the Skeptics Society.

First, anyone who doubts the claim that Smarts Craps and Pro Test do
indeed represent the
best statistical test for dice control should start by reading the
PUBLIC, OPEN, treatise
and math paper on it:­theory.pdf

To criticize 'something' whtout reading the 'something', is not

On your other points... I've never seen more blatant use of circular
arguments! A Pro Test is
a quantified test, empirical, with mathematically sound hypotheses and
conclusions. If it
says you passed, it means that there is less than 1% chance a random
roller could replicate
the result. Want more evidence... roll another roll set... the score
above should go down farther
over time, if indeed you are exercising control.

Whether dice control works or not, as I said, is a different
discussion. My saying 'ya, I've sen
limited people pass, some in flying colors' is not scientific evidence.
And frankly, publishing
such evidence is not in the best interest of dice controllers doing so
for profit. Smart Craps
is a tool for any dice controller to prove, mainly to themselves,
whether they can indeed profit
from biased dice rolls. So far, very few have passed that I have been
involved with... it is a VERY
hard skill to master. My discussions to date, on actual recorded data,
have been limited to
those who stand to benefit from it. That may change down the road, but
until then, use the software
to test your skill if you want to know all that practice (and courses)
has paid off!

Dan Pronovost
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Bob R

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 4:00 pm    Post subject: Re: Dice Control - Believable with this software??? Reply with quote

"Mason" <[email protected]> wrote:

There is absolutely no reason to theorize about the contributing components of a
phenomena for which there is no replicable, objective evidence. You can not
quantify a hypothesis for which you have no body of objective evidence because
there is no way to check the accuracy of the quantification.

Apparently, this fact just doesn't occur to you as you thrash about in the
overwhelmingly powerful throes of your need to believe.

I think that your need for dice control to be impossible affects your ability to
be reasonable. Here is someone who is looking for ways to objectively evaluate
data, and you are bashing the very idea of collecting data and evaluating it.
You say there is no body of evidence so therefore it is unreasonable to gather
and evaluate a body of evidence.
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Mr. V

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 4:00 pm    Post subject: Re: Dice Control - Believable with this software??? Reply with quote

So far, very few have passed that I have been
involved with... it is a VERY
hard skill to master.

Who has "passed?"

Or, if you won't name names in the interest of anonymity, perhaps you
could state which Dice Setting dojo they are affilitated with?

Who is the Best of the Best?

There Can Be Only One...

roll dem bones
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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 4:30 pm    Post subject: Re: Dice Control - Believable with this software??? Reply with quote

Smart Craps was only released a couple months ago, but was in Beta test
for over 4 months. So, there have been a few people who taken the test,
but a wide introduction is only beginning now.

Having said this, the main Beta testers and early participants were a
number of dice controllers from the "Golden Touch Craps" group
( I have received roll set data from a
handful of instructors and some students. The software is being sold
not only by my own company, but through a few sites/courses/venues
(including GTC). See an upcoming article in Casino Player (next month,
I believe).

Ok... I still haven't answered your question! Some more ramblings
before I do...

Most participants asked to be anonmous. Also, I have not personally
recorded a formal "Big Experiment" (yet) that would be a test that
could pass scientific scrutiny (meaning, filmed, properly recorded,
null-hypothesis controls [i.e. a random shooter in the mix], controlled
environment, etc.). What I do have is a lot of data sets sent to me,
and some very small sets I have recorded personally. The "Big
Experiment" is a challenging question... on one hand, it would be good
to have the "proof" unquestionable, but then right now casinos just
don't believe this is 'real', so why get their attention (especially
given that skilled shooting is very obvious, unfortunately, due to the
physics required for precise throws)? A classic debate in dice control
camps, ragng as I write...

One person that has allowed me to discuss his results is Frank
Scoblete. He was the first person to take a Pro Test, back when I first
did the math over a year ago. After doing the math, I wanted
confirmation that the test could indeed be passed, before embarking on
the time consuming course of developing the software!

Frank passed Pro Test with an AMAZING score in 109 rolls (his first
roll set). He later did more formal rolls sets (412 in total). His Pro
1 Test score, for example, in 100 rolls was less than 0.0001% (84 in
109). Further roll sets were about the same, bu the aggregate nature of
statistics (and Pro Test) meant his results were amazing. I like to
muse that there is a greater chance of him being hit by lightning
(while golfing) than NOT being a skilled shooter.

Now, I WILL REPEAT: I'm not advocating that dice control does, or does
not, work by providing the above data! It doesn't qualify under the
terms of a 'Big Experiment", and if I were skeptical, I would (rightly)
not accept third-hand data sets as proof. I am simply the author of the
first tool that can be used to provide the most accurate measure of
this skill. Smart Craps is a tool, not proof.

I'll try and head off another question in advance... what do I believe
personally? It works, I've seen enough Pro Test data, both live and
indirect, from shooters I trust in controlled conditions, to know that
there are individuals that can (at times) influence the dice outcomes
on a casino craps table. I also believe it is EXCEEDINGLY RARE, and
that the vast majority (maybe 95%) of shooters who claim this skill
cannot pass a Pro Test, or otherwise prove that their ability is real,
via a valid statistical test. I always knew it would be hard, but I am
surprised to find out how hard. I've seen many shooters deliver the
dice with excellent 'quality', yet stil generate no influence. Also,
dice control is subjective skill, unlike card counting in blackjack:
there are good days, and bad (usually more bad than good). I have taken
a dice control course myself, and do practice regularly now for a few
months. My Pro Test data is promising, but not yet conclusive (i.e. 1%
statistical margin rate).

Dan Pronovost
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Mr. V

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 5:00 pm    Post subject: Re: Dice Control - Believable with this software??? Reply with quote

Thanks for the response.

Scoblete, eh?

Assuming more individuals participate in your testing, and that the
results are posted on message boards or websites, it will be
interesting to see whether Casino Staff get nervous and bar them as
possible Advantage Players.

Thus far, the dealers and suits at the sites I lurk at are not
convinced that Dice Setting works...nor am I.

How else will this thing morph?

I can envision a Travel Channel TV show analogous to the WSP poker
tourneys, wherein Scoblete, Yuri and other wannabes compete head to
head to be crowned King of the Setters.

Have it tracked by many cameras, zooming on the grip, throw, movement
through the air in slo-mo, the landing, checking for on-axis behavior
all the while.

Perhaps the Captain will come out of anonymity to do the play by play
color commentary, ala Van Patten.

Ma and Pa kettle can critique the performance of their idols while
debating the esoteric fine points of the precision shooters art all the

College boys will eschew Hold en, and instead will spend hours
practicing dice setting, preparing for a drunken weekend of fraternity
craps shoots.

I have seen the future...

roll dem bones
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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 5:30 pm    Post subject: Re: Dice Control - Believable with this software??? Reply with quote

Yes, this is a concern in the field right now, and hotly discussed
(even in this forum, I see).

One thing I've learned is just how bloodly hard dice control is, and
even those that are good at it have stretches where they fail to
achieve the skill in practice. This is different from card counting in
blackjack, where all counters experience bad stretches of losses, to be
clear. A counter may well be excerising perfect counting, yet still
lose (due to the slim edge, and random luck factors). A dice controller
can experience the same problem, but has to deal with, in addition, the
fact they they simply may not be throwing all that well on some day,
and hence NOT have a positive edge on some occasion.

Even worse, I've studied enough data to see that there are times where
a skilled shooter can get "INVERSELY bad results", meaning
(statistically) significantly worse than average. This is not
surprising, on careful examination. A slight flaw in the throw can
result in *more* than average and consistent 'flops', meaning the
outside numbers appear more often than not. This is akin to a golfer
suddenly getting an annoying and persistent slice in their shot. I've
studied this phenomena more in some private craps forums, but won't
discuss it further in this non-private forum (too many casino eyeballs,

So, the net is similar to blackjack in the 60s Thorpe era: dice control
is not going to tear down the casino's profits overnight, or at all.
It's FAR harder than card counting, by comparison. Like card counting,
a casino on the look out can spot the talent, and act on it. Will they?
Will the growing popularity and demystification of dice control add to
this changing wind?

I'm just a guy who writes interesting mathematical software. I'll leave
the ethics and history writing to others!

Dan Pronovost
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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 5:30 pm    Post subject: Re: Dice Control - Believable with this software??? Reply with quote

This guy knows what "it" is. He can put a custom number to "it" (although he is
flexible on that point). He can quantify "it" and has tested "it" well enough
to know that "it" is very rare. He has developed software so that you, too, can
know that you have "it".

"And frankly, publishing such evidence is not in the best interest of dice
controllers doing so
for profit."

Of course. "It" is so powerful that we need to keep "it"s power a secret. So
much in the techniques in use in the Golden Touch marketing effort demonstrates
this concern for discretion.

Clearly, specifying how rare "it" is in your extensive testing experience is not
in your best interest or you would do it.

"My discussions to date, on actual recorded data, have been limited to those who
stand to benefit from it. "

NO! Shocking!

"So far, very few have passed that I have been involved with... it is a VERY
hard skill to master."

And how many is that ... 1 in 10,000 ... 1 in 1,000 ... 1 in 500 ... 1 in 200
.... 1 in 100 ... 1 in 50 ... 1 in 25 ... 1 in 10. You know "it" when you see
"it" and you have only tested those who say they have "it". How often have you
found "it" with your tool? Do you accept self-reporting from those who just
know they have "it" as the basis for your analysis of "it"?

According to you, "it" should occur randomly in about 1 out of 100 ... this is
people who don't think they have "it" but will show "it" in a way that is
quantitatively indistinguishable from the genuine "it"!

But you haven't tested (and don't intend to test) those who don't assert that
they have "it", so that this false positive test rate will remain your
subjective statistical estimate without any supporting evidence at all.

Everyone has a different definition of "it" because there is no replicable,
objective evidence on the subject. This will continue as long as the evidence
is lacking.

"My main point is that Smart Craps and Pro Test are the best tools to analyze
this statistically with the greatest accuracy."

This is EXACTLY what every vendor of astrology software says about their

And yours has a built in feature so that the user can apply the absolute
requisite for you to sell these moonbeams ... a user defined definition of "it"!

"That may change down the road, but until then, use the software to test your
skill if you want to know all that practice (and courses) has paid off!"

Yes, it may very well get easier to do "it" "down the road" (!), but one can
know if one has "it" with this software because you will let the user define
what "it" is. How accommodating!

"Smart Craps is a tool for any dice controller to prove, mainly to themselves,
whether they can indeed profit from biased dice rolls."

Exactly. This is just an extension of the Golden Touch Craps marketing effort
to the true believers. Nothing could be clearer.

Onward thru the fog,
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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 6:30 pm    Post subject: Re: Dice Control - Believable with this software??? Reply with quote

"Bob R" <[email protected]> wrote
I think that your need for dice control to be impossible affects your ability
be reasonable. Here is someone who is looking for ways to objectively
data, and you are bashing the very idea of collecting data and evaluating it.
You say there is no body of evidence so therefore it is unreasonable to gather
and evaluate a body of evidence.

This guy is *not* searching for an objective way to evaluate data. YOU want him
to be this. He is clear about what he is and you won't even read it!! You
exemplify the quintessential sucker!

"Smart Craps is a tool for any dice controller to prove, mainly to themselves,
whether they can indeed profit from biased dice rolls."

He is vending to true believers. He states unambiguously that the accuracy of
"Dice control theory" is an intrinsic assumption of his software. He is an
extension of the Golden Craps marketing effort and makes absolutely no effort to
hide it.

Do you think that the "natural" heath food companies that market homeopathic
remedies objectively evaluate the usefulness of their "medicine". Do you think
the vendor of astrological software is searching for ways to "objectively
evaluate the data"?

Keeping posting. Your lack of the ability to think critically is most
Onward thru the fog,
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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 7:00 pm    Post subject: Re: Dice Control - Believable with this software??? Reply with quote

I also believe it is EXCEEDINGLY RARE, and
that the vast majority (maybe 95%) of shooters who claim this skill
cannot pass a Pro Test, or otherwise prove that their ability is real,
via a valid statistical test.

GREAT! 5 in 100 (estimated, you haven't done even remotely approaching 100
tests) can who think they can do "it" can do it based on your experience of
their self-reporting. Now, if we only knew how many in 100 who make no effort
to do "it" can do "it", we would have something!

BTW, the problem with your "efficient statistical tool" is that ANYONE can have
a statistically "AMAZING" score in 105 rolls, especially when he is owner of the
group that butters your bread. That is why new metrics are not required by
critical thinkers. Simple, proven analysis techniques that have been long
established will suffice.

(Don't tell anyone that you know this, but true believers have been known to
cook the books by weighting the results based on unproved theories. The results
of this fraud are AMAZING. Shhhhhhh!)

dice control is subjective skill, unlike card counting in blackjack:
there are good days, and bad (usually more bad than good).

Right. That is why Scoblette doesn't just demonstrate the skill that you
characterize as consistently "AMAZING" for unbiased observers under controlled
conditions. He "AMAZING" skill is not disprovable. Put in the controls and
the "skill" vanishes. Dowsing leaps to mind.

This is the rule in voodoo science. There is always an out to prevent disproof
of claims.

Onward thru the fog,

"deepnet" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
Smart Craps was only released a couple months ago, but was in Beta test
for over 4 months. So, there have been a few people who taken the test,
but a wide introduction is only beginning now.

Having said this, the main Beta testers and early participants were a
number of dice controllers from the "Golden Touch Craps" group
( I have received roll set data from a
handful of instructors and some students. The software is being sold
not only by my own company, but through a few sites/courses/venues
(including GTC). See an upcoming article in Casino Player (next month,
I believe).

Ok... I still haven't answered your question! Some more ramblings
before I do...

Most participants asked to be anonmous. Also, I have not personally
recorded a formal "Big Experiment" (yet) that would be a test that
could pass scientific scrutiny (meaning, filmed, properly recorded,
null-hypothesis controls [i.e. a random shooter in the mix], controlled
environment, etc.). What I do have is a lot of data sets sent to me,
and some very small sets I have recorded personally. The "Big
Experiment" is a challenging question... on one hand, it would be good
to have the "proof" unquestionable, but then right now casinos just
don't believe this is 'real', so why get their attention (especially
given that skilled shooting is very obvious, unfortunately, due to the
physics required for precise throws)? A classic debate in dice control
camps, ragng as I write...

One person that has allowed me to discuss his results is Frank
Scoblete. He was the first person to take a Pro Test, back when I first
did the math over a year ago. After doing the math, I wanted
confirmation that the test could indeed be passed, before embarking on
the time consuming course of developing the software!

Frank passed Pro Test with an AMAZING score in 109 rolls (his first
roll set). He later did more formal rolls sets (412 in total). His Pro
1 Test score, for example, in 100 rolls was less than 0.0001% (84 in
109). Further roll sets were about the same, bu the aggregate nature of
statistics (and Pro Test) meant his results were amazing. I like to
muse that there is a greater chance of him being hit by lightning
(while golfing) than NOT being a skilled shooter.

Now, I WILL REPEAT: I'm not advocating that dice control does, or does
not, work by providing the above data! It doesn't qualify under the
terms of a 'Big Experiment", and if I were skeptical, I would (rightly)
not accept third-hand data sets as proof. I am simply the author of the
first tool that can be used to provide the most accurate measure of
this skill. Smart Craps is a tool, not proof.

I'll try and head off another question in advance... what do I believe
personally? It works, I've seen enough Pro Test data, both live and
indirect, from shooters I trust in controlled conditions, to know that
there are individuals that can (at times) influence the dice outcomes
on a casino craps table. I also believe it is EXCEEDINGLY RARE, and
that the vast majority (maybe 95%) of shooters who claim this skill
cannot pass a Pro Test, or otherwise prove that their ability is real,
via a valid statistical test. I always knew it would be hard, but I am
surprised to find out how hard. I've seen many shooters deliver the
dice with excellent 'quality', yet stil generate no influence. I have taken
a dice control course myself, and do practice regularly now for a few
months. My Pro Test data is promising, but not yet conclusive (i.e. 1%
statistical margin rate).

Dan Pronovost
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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 7:30 pm    Post subject: Re: Dice Control - Believable with this software??? Reply with quote

"Even worse, I've studied enough data to see that there are times where
a skilled shooter can get "INVERSELY bad results", meaning
(statistically) significantly worse than average. This is not
surprising, on careful examination."

ROTFL. What is surprising is that you think this fluctuation about the
statistical mean requires your further explanation! So, skilled shooters are
VERY rare and even those very rare skilled shooters get "INVERSELY bad results"
.... which (if you didn't have completely unproven dice control theory as an
explanation close at hand) would look just like bad luck!

studied this phenomena more in some private craps forums, but won't
discuss it further in this non-private forum (too many casino eyeballs,

This is moonbeams for the suckers. There is absolutely no evidence of any
effort by the dice control vendors to hide their grift from the casinos. This
same guy has published a 7 meg PDF about his dice control software that leaves
nothing to the casino's imagination as to theory or execution of "dice control".

Invoking this need for discretion is a completely self-serving tactic used to
avoid exposing flaws in the tale. Apparently, the fact that the casino's
eyeballs are on every throw of the dice in every casino is not relevant.

Like card counting,
a casino on the look out can spot the talent, and act on it.

Anyone could spot physical "dice control" as described in your documentation in
a single roll of the dice. It is completely obvious mechanically. Further, the
dice control throw attributes could have been known for years in every casino in
the world. It has been public knowledge since PARR or before.

Card counting in blackjack is completely indistinguishable from simple basic
strategy play for almost 90% of all play. But, lets not let facts blur your

I'm just a guy who writes interesting mathematical software. I'll leave
the ethics and history writing to others!

Without the Golden Touch Boys and their cohorts, no one would be interested in
your special craps mathematical software at all. Your documentation shows this
basic awareness.

Onward thru the fog,
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Bob R

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 10:30 pm    Post subject: Re: Dice Control - Believable with this software??? Reply with quote

"Mason" <[email protected]> wrote:

He is vending to true believers. He states unambiguously that the accuracy of
"Dice control theory" is an intrinsic assumption of his software.

Well that certainly is scandalous. Only a fool would believe that by reducing
the appearance of axis faces or occurrence of sevens that one could gain an
advantage at craps...
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