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The ULTIMATE Andruchi Package: Use Chaos Theory to Win at R

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Andruchi System

PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 2:01 pm    Post subject: The ULTIMATE Andruchi Package: Use Chaos Theory to Win at R Reply with quote


"Looking at roulette chaos is like looking at a raging white-water
river filled with wildly tossing waves and unpredictably swirling
eddies. But suddenly, in one part of the river, you spot a familiar
swirl of current, and for the next five or ten seconds you know the
direction the water will move in that section of the river."

Chaos is everywhere. If you think about it, you arrived at this page
because a certain sequence of events took place at just the right time
that led you here. Everything is deterministic. What you do next will
depend on what you did before. The roulette wheel is not random. It is
chaotic! Future spins are determined by past spins. Patterns therefore
occur. Find them. Exploit them. Walk away from the Casino a consistent
winner. Welcome to The Andruchi Systems.

The Andruchi Systems are based on the simple fact that there exists
predictable patterns within chaotic numbers that seem completely
random. R. Lucassen has shown how long-enough sequences of chaotic
numbers generate fractals, complex and self-describing patterns which
are found everywhere in nature. But let me keep things simple and
communicate through examples. Even though the odds of an individual
number coming out on European Roulette is 1 in 37, if you watch 37
spins of the wheel, several numbers will have repeated themselves and
several numbers won't have appeared at all. In fact, before all numbers
have appeared at least once, at least one number will have appeared 8
times! Most amazing of all, it does not matter at what point you start
tracking the numbers, or if it's American or French roulette. This is a
very bold statement and I insist that you to try it out at any Casino,
online or real, before you continue reading as this is the premise of
the Andruchi System.

Now imagine all the events that take place at any given moment in time.
They didn't just happen. Several things had to happen before that led
to that event occurring. And several things had to happen, before those
several things, that caused them to occur, and so on. Every small event
causes a series of chain reactions that produce several other events
that, in turn, produce several other events. The wheel is spun at a
certain velocity. A roulette ball is dropped at a specific point. The
ball stops on a specific number. That, in turn, is the starting point
for the next spin. And the pattern repeats itself. This series of
events always favors one number in the short run. We have to find that
favored number and exploit it. If the roulette wheel was truly random,
then it would not be beatable with any device that didn't affect its
outcome. Yet it was. (

If you know that a number will come out 8 times before all numbers have
come out at least once, then, by keeping track of all previous numbers
that will cause that event to occur, you can more accurately choose
which numbers to bet on, thereby reducing the probability to below 1/35
of hitting that number. Since Roulette pays you 35 times the amount bet
plus the original bet, this will give you an expected return that is
positive in the short and long-term, thus allowing you to generate
consistent profits.

But why does a number come out 8 times before all numbers have come out
once? For the same reason that when it starts to drizzle it takes a
while to wet the entire pavement. The drops are supposedly falling
randomly, yet they tend to hit in the same spot rather than on dry
ground. If you've ever observed it, it takes longer to wet the whole
ground than you would expect. This is Chaos Theory in action. When
applied to Roulette, you get similar results. Most of the times, a
number will repeat itself 8 times (rain hitting the same spot) before
all numbers have come out once (whole ground getting wet). There is a
whole series of events within every spin that will determine, in part,
each and every spin that is to follow.

In fact, the frequency distribution of the numbers in consecutive
roulette spins is not at all what you would expect considering that the
probability of a number coming up is 1/37 (or 1/38 in American
Roulette). You would expect that after about 125 spins all the numbers
would have come up about equally, or, at the very least, that all
numbers would have come up at least once. But this is not the case.
That is not to say that the so-called randomness is skewed towards any
one number. If you track the numbers long enough, after thousands of
spins, computer-generated or real, all numbers will have come out about
equally. Just not in the short run, and this is what the Andruchi
System takes advantage of. But why not in the short-run? Simply because
the more recent an event, the greater its impact on near-future events.

The Ultimate Andruchi Package costs only $17.97 and includes my
original Andruchi System, which is one of Payloadz E-store's TOP 5
Selling Business and Money E-books
(, PLUS 3 completely NEW
and distinct versions: Quick, Progressive, and Reverse Andruchi!

All my new Systems use the same Chaotic principles from original
Andruchi, but in dramatically different ways. Here are the stats:

Very FAST money-maker

- Bankroll: $150
- Spins Required: ~12
- Win Percentage: 79%
- Win Range: $1 - $70

Almost NEVER loses

- Bankroll: $508
- Spins Required: ~133
- Win Percentage: 96%
- Win Range: $1 - $35

Wins the MOST money

- Bankroll: $150
- Spins Required: ~125
- Win Percentage: 75%
- Win Range: $25 - $180+

Your purchase will include 4 detailed descriptions of my Andruchi
Systems and how to implement them successfully, 4 Customizable
Simulation Programs to test the systems out (including your own
variations), an Electronic Sheet to track numbers on and offline, and a
booklet on where and how it is best to play the system conveniently
online, all available for instant downloading in digital format. With
the included Simulation Programs (see animated screenshot below), you
can change the Units bet, Bankroll, Win Target, etc. to test your OWN
unique winning variations of Andruchi!

Here's what you get for only $17.97:

- The Original Andruchi System
- Quick Andruchi
- Progressive Andruchi
- Reverse Andruchi
- 4 System E-books
- 4 Customizable Simulation Programs
- Electronic Number Tracking Sheet
- Booklet for Optimizing Online Play

Testimonial: "AK - I want to say "Thanks" and let you know your system
has been a real winner for me. The system is easy to understand and
your spreadsheet simulator is awesome. I was able to run through over
100 demo sessions to see how well it worked and what the variance was.
With that experimentation done I went online and played for real. I had
a bank of $350 to allow for 7 sessions with a max loss of $50 each.
Using your pre-set bet spread I won several sessions straight and
cashed out over $150 in winnings the first night - and never dipped
below $305 in my bankroll the whole time. Each session took about 20
minutes to complete and I calculate that I made about $80 an hour. Most
of the time was just recording spins so my money wasn't at risk on the
table very long - just when the selected numbers were ready to hit.
You've got a winner of a system here." -Dave W., Morriston, NJ, USA

Please e-mail me if you have any questions. Happy betting!

sales @

Note: I will only be selling a very limited quantity of my Systems.
This serves several purposes. It benefits early buyers and makes the
system more exclusive. There is no point in the whole world knowing
about a System that can beat the Casino's because then the Casino's
will definitely find a way to stop it. If you are interested in
purchasing the Andruchi System, it is in your interest to bid on it as
soon as possible. I do not want more than a limited number of
individuals knowing about it. And remember, if you have purchased it,
it is in your own interest to keep it to yourself. The less people know
how it works, the easier it will be to implement at a real Casino. If
you own the system, you should feel like part of a very select club
that will have no more than a limited number of members in the whole
world. Especially since this system is mainly discovered through
word-of-mouth alone.
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