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Relevant PA Disability/Hate-Crime Laws
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Ray Gordon

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 8:02 pm    Post subject: Re: OT Re: Relevant PA Disability/Hate-Crime Laws Reply with quote

If "Jack Ryan" were a Navy veteran, his files could be made available to
public under the FOIA.

Then file an FOIA request.

Don't have his service number, and there are many "John Ryans" in the world.


Otherwise, all you're doing is blowing hot air.

"Jack's" existence has never been proven.

Ray Gordon, Author
Seduction Made Easy. Get this book FREE when you buy participating
affiliated books!
The Seduction Library. Four free books to get you started on your quest to
get laid.

Don't buy anything from experts who won't debate on a free speech forum.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 8:02 pm    Post subject: Re: OT Re: Relevant PA Disability/Hate-Crime Laws Reply with quote

in article [email protected], Ray Gordon at
[email protected] wrote on 4/18/05 3:39 PM:

If "Jack Ryan" were a Navy veteran, his files could be made available to
public under the FOIA.

Then file an FOIA request.

Don't have his service number, and there are many "John Ryans" in the world.

Maybe so, but there have been plenty of identifiable characteristics

I'm sure any competent researcher could locate the records.

That, of course, leaves Gordon out.


Otherwise, all you're doing is blowing hot air.

"Jack's" existence has never been proven.

For that matter, neither has Gordon's.
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Ray Gordon

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 5:01 am    Post subject: Re: Relevant PA Disability/Hate-Crime Laws Reply with quote

No, but posting websites that threaten involuntary commitment, urge
parties to contact law enforcement and mental health agencies, and
attempt to incite others to harm me, would.

I woudl think urging the contact of mental health agencies on your behalf
would be classified as "a public service."

No, it would be considered "stalking." So would threatening it.

Get a clue.

Ray Gordon, Author
Seduction Made Easy. Get this book FREE when you buy participating
affiliated books!
The Seduction Library. Four free books to get you started on your quest to
get laid.

Don't buy anything from experts who won't debate on a free speech forum.
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Ray Gordon

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 5:01 am    Post subject: Re: Relevant PA Disability/Hate-Crime Laws Reply with quote

Isn't what you did to Jeri Ryan EXACTLY what is specified in this


Her sister and Jack's brother would disagree with you.

Not my fault all their alleged public stuff left no paper trail.

Jeri Ryan is also a famous actress as far as I know.

Go to a dictionary and look up the word "disingenuous".

See above.

How much it must suck for you to have such a problem with me and be so
unable to solve it.

I don't have the problem - Jack's family does. As for "solving" it, count
on Jack's brother to do so, if he's so inclined.

Nonexistent types usually aren't.

Sounds more like someone's trying to threaten me and then blame a
nonexistent person for it. Since you claim to know who they are, when I
file a complaint over it you can tell the world the who, why, how, etc.

Smack smugglers like yourself deserve life in prison.

Ray Gordon, Author
Seduction Made Easy. Get this book FREE when you buy participating
affiliated books!
The Seduction Library. Four free books to get you started on your quest to
get laid.

Don't buy anything from experts who won't debate on a free speech forum.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 3:03 am    Post subject: Re: OT Re: Relevant PA Disability/Hate-Crime Laws Reply with quote

Ray Gordon wrote:
you couldn't sue a five year old to get her candy away, you sorry
little foul-mouthed coward.

Wow, the anonymous idiot is giving unqualified lay opinions of my cases!

And doing a better job of it than you are.

and where the hell do you get off trying
to threaten GARY for something that someone ELSE said? even if Gary
had defamed you, you would have to go after the FIRST person who said
or wrote something.

Not necessarily. Once GARY says it, HE is the one who says it, not anyone

you don't know diddly-shit about the law. and if
you did, you're too stupid, egotistical, and cowardly to do anything
about it.

These folks never have a plan for when they are proven wrong.

: What happened was I asked "Jack Ryan" to prove he wasn't a faker and
: for some evidence that he actually got married when he said he did
: (he had announced it publicly).

nobody owes you a single shred of proof of a damn thing.

If they want credibility when they make claims, it helps.




you don't get
to demand proof from anyone. some of us actually KNOW these people that
you only dream about,

Dream about? LOL

and you'd have pissed your pants if some of them
had introduced themselves to you. I was standing a hot five feet away
from you and Jack Ryan a few years ago. you never even knew we were

Of course you were....<snicker

Seems like JJT and Fuz have done the same thing.

"JJT" and "Fuz" are one and the same.

I wonder just
how many other people have walked right past you, and you never knew
that they were who they were.

LOL of course they have. <double snicker

Looks like I'm the one with the balls since I don't hide, and it's equally
obvious who lacks them.

You don't have your balls, Denise H. does. And she keeps them until you
meet your own challenge to her.

one more time, you pussy: you don't get to demand proof from anyone.

Oh how tough they talk when anonymous...

you don't deserve it. you have done nothing to earn it, and when you
get asked to provide proof, you don't have any to show. when you start
providing proof, maybe you might get some of your own, asshole.

I wasn't the one going "public" with an alleged marriage.

Alleged seduction skills, alleged typing skills, alleged legal skills,
alleged gambling skills, alleged skills of any kind, but no, no alleged
marriage. There ain't no girl dumb enough to say "yes" to you. Not even
Paris or Nicole.

: After a while, someone reported that "Jack" had been killed in a
: car accident (seems to happen a lot to ASFers), and I asked for
: proof of this claim, which of course didn't surface.

he lost his life in the service of his country. I know the actual

Of course you do. <snicker

and I also know what the navy told his family.

Of course you do. <snicker

have seen both the purple heart and the msm the navy sent to his
widow. you should be so lucky that he lost his life, otherwise,
you'd have had to actually face him, because it was his plan to
go back to Philadelphia and deal with you when he came home from
that little town not far from Jerez de la Frontera.

Of course it was. <snicker

: All your post shows is that you're an idiot who believes what he
: on the internet, or who pretends to when it suits him.

you don't know a damn thing about anything, you moron.

Oh how tough the anonymous talk....

If you really want to make an issue of this, be very, VERY careful.

Oooh, I'm shaking! <snicker

You poor thing: you can't stand it when I point out all the lies people like
"Jack" tried to snow this group with in the past.

there are people out there who do not take kindly to mentally ill
nutcases who stalk the widows of veterans KIA.

Oh how tough you talk.....

News flash: "Jack Ryan" never existed.

you can rant and rave and foam at the mouth all you want, but when it
comes right down to the brass tacks, you are nothing but mouth.

He said as he clicked "send." <snicker

Have fun with your rants.

Nah, it's more fun taking yours apart.

Carl [email protected]

Research is a formalized curiosity. It is poking
and prying with a purpose.
Zora Neale Hurston

Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never
regains it's original dimension.
Oliver Wendall Holmes

Only a fool tests the depth of the water with
both feet.
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Vince Runza

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 5:03 am    Post subject: Re: Re: OT Re: Relevant PA Disability/Hate-Crime Laws Reply with quote

"Ray Gordon" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
: After a while, someone reported that "Jack" had been killed in a
: car accident (seems to happen a lot to ASFers), and I asked for
: proof of this claim, which of course didn't surface.

he lost his life in the service of his country.

Oh how the story changes.

First it was a car accident, now he's a war hero.

The two are not mutually exclusive, GORK. The nature of his service to this
country is what you're missing.

Of course, what really happened is that "Jack" had boxed himself into a
corner by being specific about his alleged love life, and when I ripped
apart his logic too much, those who created his ID had to bail out of the
group, and in a lame attempt to deflect from the truth, the car-accident
story was created.

You are hallucinating badly. Are you standing on your oxygen hose?

Btw, the threats in this posting are considered just another furtherance
the Seduction Mafia objectives to violate the Hobbs Act in an attempt to
divert market share from me to my competitors. I need not trace the
of the anonymous message to claim that, either.

Jack would have a good laugh at this; yet another screed from the
Philadelphia paralegal, the Dolt of the Internet. Look, GORK, you have to
take your foot out of your mouth BEFORE typing.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 10:02 pm    Post subject: Re: Relevant PA Disability/Hate-Crime Laws Reply with quote

Ray Gordon wrote:
No, but posting websites that threaten involuntary commitment,
parties to contact law enforcement and mental health agencies,
attempt to incite others to harm me, would.

I woudl think urging the contact of mental health agencies on your
would be classified as "a public service."

No, it would be considered "stalking." So would threatening it.

Get a clue.

Not according to standing HIPAA practices.

Get a fact and check it.
Stop making facts up on your own.
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