Thank you for you interest in a link exchange!

With this form you can get your link listed on any of the sites listed below. If you wish to be listed on a site, make sure the box is checked. Uncheck the box if you don't want your listing on the site. For each site that you want a listing, we ask you to provide a reciprocal link. The information for each of the reciprocal links is shown. Recriprocal links are verified before your link is posted and subsequently on a regular schedule. The reciprocal links must be placed in an appropriate category similar to the ones suggested in the boxes below.

Molly's Online Poker and Gambling
A comprehensive guide to the best online poker rooms, casinos, and sports books on the Internet.

Suggested categories: Gambling portals, gambling guides, poker, sports books.

Location of this link on your site

Online Poker Buddy
We've reviewed all the sites and have selected the five best online poker rooms on the Internet, so you don't have to.

Suggested categories: Poker

Location of this link on your site

Now tell me where you want me to link to

Anchor Title (40 chars max)
URL to your site
Body (200 chars max)
Your Name
Your Email

We reserve the right to refuse to link to your site for any reason. For example, links to the following types of sites will not be posted:

- Any adult oriented site (nudity or sexually explicit material)
- Any site that promotes racism, hatred, etc.

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Site member GPWA