Microsoft Updates

I’m so annoyed with Microsoft Windows XP Updates. I don’t mind the updates themselves, except that most of them are to cover all the security holes in XP. If XP security wasn’t so flawed there would not be this frequent update need.

No, what bugs me is the nag I get after the update has been installed. This nag tells me I must reboot in order to complete the installation.

On my work computer installed with XP Professional, the nag gives an option to reboot later. Click it and just a few minutes later the nag pops up again. I have never found a way to stop the nag except to move it off to the side of the screen, leaving it open so that it doesn’t keep popping up dead and center.

On my home computer installed with XP unprofessional, the nag pops up with a countdown timer. When it reaches 0 it auto-reboots. I have the option of postponing the reboot, but in a few minutes the nag returns.

Does Microsoft even understand how we use their product? I might have a few spreadsheets open, several pdf docs, browser pages, etc. I just don’t want to have to reopen all these items just so Windows XP can reboot. My work computer takes about 5 minutes to shut down and about 10 minutes to boot. My home computer shuts down quickly, but takes about 5 minute to boot. Rebooting is not convenient. I would like to reboot later and later means hours or days, not minutes. Let me decide!

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