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Getting Started in Online Poker Part 2 of 2 Over the past several weeks, I have discussed many aspects in the hopes that by reading my articles, you will become a more profitable poker player. I’ve discussed strategy for winning online tournaments, advanced strategy such as bluffing and things to avoid such as going on tilt, but I just realized something. I have neglected to go over the basics that all poker players should keep in mind. There are certain things you must keep in mind before sitting at a table and throwing your hard earned money into the mix. Today I conclude the 2-part series on the subject of getting started in online poker Here are numbers 6-10 Internet Poker Strategies that, when followed, will get you on your way to becoming a winning online poker player. #6: Stay within your limits. If you are playing at a specific limit, and doing well, you may feel inclined to start playing at higher levels. It is only human nature to make the progression up the ranks. This is fine, but you must be aware that the higher the limits, the better, and typically more aggressive the opponents. Sitting in a 1 and 2 dollar game is much different from a 5 and 10 dollar game. Even a modest jump from a .50-$1 to a $1-$2 NL may not seem like much. But in reality the game play is much different. Only make the jump because you are ready to mover up. Never, under any circumstances go to a new table because you have won a few extra dollars, and want to try to 'hit it big' at the big tables. This is a very common way to go broke. You can lose your whole bankroll very quickly. #7: Keep track of your poker The vast majority of players do not know if they are winning poker players. They simply do not keep a detailed report of the poker they play. They don’t do this because who wants to do such a boring thing. Players just guess that they may be up or down a few hundred for the month, without actually having an accurate calculation. It is much easier to lie to yourself in this manner. There are programs out there you can buy that do this, but if you do not want to spend money on software, create a simple spreadsheet to keep track of your poker sessions. Here are the most important things to keep track of: 1. Game Played Using simple division, you can figure out exactly how much money you are making (or losing) per hour of poker played, overall, at various limits, and at various poker rooms. You can then use this information to determine which game and table stakes are best for you. Obviously, this is also an effective way of determining if you are (gasp!) heading towards the poor house. #8: Learn to play aggressive poker As a famous poker player once said: "I've never seen a top poker player who called a lot". The rule of thumb is this: if your hand is worth a call, then bet. If you never bet, you take away a critical aspect of poker: Winning a pot because everyone else has folded. If you think you have the best hand, bet it. You should be betting at least if not more as much as you are calling. My thinking is this, when the action comes to me, I should either bet, raise or fold. If my hand is not worth a raise or bet, then they should just muck. By calling you encourage players to stick around. Be aggressive, build pots and frustrate your opponents into making mistakes, #9: Pay attention Paying attention when you are in a real life game is much easier then when online. There are many distractions when you are at your computer that simply don't exist when in a brick and mortar poker room. You can play a second game, you can be watching TV, answering emails, even talking on the phone. Poker is a game that is always happening, there is information out there to be gained on your opponents at all time. There are more important things to do than Watch your opponents, and get a feel for how they play different hands. Do they often check raise? Do they chase a lot of hands? Do they bluff a lot? Do they bet and raise with weak hands? These things may not be important at the time, but when you are against them in a big pot, information you picked up while watching them play other people will help you out a great deal. These are things you may be missing out on if you are distracted by other things. Pat attention and get into the flow of the game. There is a lot of information you can use to your advantage. Go get it! #10: Take advantage of bonuses There is intense competition among online poker rooms. They all want your business, and online poker rooms are always offering special promotions and deposit bonuses. offers great promos and re-load bonuses. Read up on these and add to your bankroll before you sit at the table. Give yourself as much ammo as possible for when you are at the showdown. Until next time, may the chips fall your way. (For more poker strategy and tips, please visit the PokerStrategyKing’s website at |
Gambling is a risk activity. Whether you are betting on poker, sports, horses, the roll of the craps dice, the spin of a roulette wheel, the spin of a slot machine, against your backgammon opponent, or any other ways to risk your money, you must be aware that you can lose some or all of it. The owners and operators of this website advise you to gamble online with "play money" only, but if you choose to gamble online with real money we advise you to gamble only with money you can afford to lose. The owners and operators of this website may be compensated for referring you to a site listed, but the owners and operators of this site are not responsible for any of your disputes or losses whether you are an adult or minor. We will attempt to help you with your disputes, but we cannot guarantee results. Much of the information on this site is hand edited and may be out of date and incorrect and we provide no guarantees. You are responsible for verifying all bonus offers, codes, promotions, and terms and conditions. Reviews, recommendations, ratings, guiedance, help, tips, strategies, etc., are opinions of the respective authors and editors and the owners and operators of this site are not responsible for any bad advice. Although we believe the sites advertised, hyperlinked, or otherwise, are legitimate and operate in good faith, the owners and operators of this website are not responsible for the activities and bad faith of any site listed. Online gambling may be illegal in your area, so the operators of this website insist that you abide by your local gambling laws. ![]() © 2004-2008 |